Chronic Pain
Introduction – Chronic Pain
Do you suffer from chronic pain? Be it your back, your neck, your pelvis, your wrists or anywhere else in your bones, muscles or tendons, if you suffer from it you will understand exactly what we are talking about, and you will also want to get your problem fixed effectively. Recent research indicates that over 100-million Americans suffer from chronic pain and that it costs the country a whopping $635-billion a year. Some folk regard us as chronic pain doctors, no problem there! As Chiropractors we have a passion for the work we do, and believe in restoring you to good health.
In Times Gone By
It’s a funny old world out there! When we were youngsters we were lovingly raised on a simple, wholesome diet and few of us had serious health problems. Then along came fast food – not that we have any beef with the concept of “all things in moderation”! Add lack of proper exercise, depression, stress issues, and throw in genetic predisposition factors, and hey presto, chronic pain is arrive and well, if you’ll excuse the expression. Well friends, welcome to the twenty-first century! Will it get worse before it gets better? We cannot answer that for sure, but we can point you in the right direction if you suffer from debilitating chronic pain. You are definitely in the right zone for a relieving, non-surgical and pill-free resolution. Why not let us be your chronic pain doctors.
Understanding Chronic Pain
Early medicine was really quite rudimentary, and offered few choices for the afflicted. Today, we are spoiled for choices and it can be confusing trying to decide how best to treat a problem. This is where many of us find ourselves when it comes to tackling chronic pain too. Off to the doctor we go, and before we know it we are under the very latest drug or surgical procedure. If that doesn’t work we scratch our heads and go off in search of other options. But here’s a whole new consideration for you – why not approach us first as chronic pain doctors? Sure, we are an alternate branch of medicine, but that translates to one huge plus if you consider that we understand what causes chronic pain, and that we know exactly how to treat it too.
Our Holistic Chiropractic Approach
It may sound profound, but if your car develops a mechanical problem where do you take it? Could it be to the auto electrician, to the panel shop, or possibly to the new car salesman as a trade-in? Only joking! We would naturally consult a good vehicle mechanic if the car does not run well. If only we applied the same logic to our bodies when it comes to sorting chronic pain! We are your chronic pain doctors, so talk to us first. We will listen carefully as you describe your symptoms. Then, will we ask you questions, lots of questions! You see, we understand how the musculoskeletal system hangs together, but we also know what can go wrong, and how. So, after careful cross-checking we will get down to the root causes, and then find a viable solution for you. Contact us to set up a first meeting at our state-of-the-art chiropractic center.
Avoiding Chronic Pain
Visit the American Chiropractic Association website. It has a number of very helpful tips that can assist in preventing the onset of chronic pain. It’s really all about management of our daily lives from a holistic viewpoint. Follow the advice provided by the ACA and minimize the risk of developing excruciating pains in the back or any other part of your musculoskeletal system. If that’s too late and you are already suffering, then book an appointment with us, your chronic pain doctors – solving your chronic pain is precisely what we do best.
In Summary
Please talk to our well-trained Professional Team as soon as you start developing chronic pain. It takes just one call, and before you know it you could be on the road to better health, thanks to our broad-based natural approach to musculoskeletal problems. Remember, we are your chronic pain doctors, ready to address your chronic pain concerns too!
How to Get More Information
The best way to get answers to your questions is to ask us. You can give us a call during business hours or Email the Doctor.
How to Make an Appointment
To make an appointment, call the main office phone number at 703-721-0500 or use the Request an Appointment button below to submit an online request.