Migraines and Headaches
Introduction – Migraines and Headaches
Do you suffer from excruciating migraine headaches? If so, then you are certainly not alone. Migraine headaches affect millions of people all over the world every single day. Everywhere, sufferers are seeking permanent relief through migraine treatment. Many cures are claimed, but most of these involve taking drugs that could be dangerous, or checking in for invasive in-hospital treatment. Research by the American Chiropractic Association reveals that as many as nine out of ten Americans suffer from some form of headache. Another scary statistic is that women are three times more prone to debilitating migraine headaches than men. Unfortunately there is a predisposition towards migraine attacks in some families too.
Are all Migraine Headaches the Same?
There are two main kinds of migraine headaches, namely common migraine that accounts for approximately eighty percent of cases, and classic migraine which is always accompanied by an aura involving the sensory system. Migraine treatment could be as simple as visiting our Chiropractic Center, and working in partnership with us to identify the likely causes of your attack, so that we can commence effective treatment.
What Causes Migraine Headaches?
The American Chiropractic Association offers a number of valuable health and wellness tips. There are many triggering factors that can lead to migraines, including inappropriate physical activity, stress, poor posture, hormonal and metabolic changes, and dietary issues too. Our treatment programs include managing these triggers as they manifest themselves. We ask you to record instances of migraine headaches in a daily diary, as this is a vital step towards understanding triggers or patterns as they affect you. This in turn unveils vital clues which point to an effective remedy. Factors such as dietary habits, medication, hormonal cycles, environmental factors and duration and severity of attacks will be discussed. Armed with your feedback, we will devise an effective migraine treatment program to get you back to health again.
How We Help as Chiropractors
As chiropractors, we diagnose, treat and then prevent the recurrence of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with particular emphasis on the spine. Think of your spine as being a “communications pipeline” that carries messages to and from your brain and body. Just as on the internet we soon know when our regular flow of data has been lost or interrupted, so too with your spine when it is not functioning optimally. Research I read recently shows that spinal adjustments performed by one of our chiropractors could alleviate a number of musculoskeletal problems, perhaps affecting you. This includes migraine treatment as well as many other disorders.
Why Choose Us?
As the chiropractic branch of alternative medicine focused on the musculoskeletal system, our role involves working with a wide variety of medical conditions. These conditions can cause you severe pain and suffering, including migraine headaches. Relieving treatment may only begin after one of our experienced chiropractors has thoroughly examined you, and has been through a comprehensive checklist too. In the case of migraine treatment, our expert chiropractors will devise an effective treatment program specially tailored to your condition.
Migraine Treatment Conclusions
Each branch of medicine is important, and aims to address specific ailments affecting the well-being of the sufferer. In the case of migraine, our chiropractic techniques are especially effective, and should provide a long-lasting solution. Our chiropractic team is passionate about what they do, and will go out of their way to explain their migraine treatment plan to you. If you have been a regular victim of a nasty migraine headache, then you know better than anybody else that a permanent solution to your problem must be found. You need look no further than one of our well-trained chiropractors. They could be your key to a migraine-free experience, so book your appointment right now, and discover how your world could change for the better, permanently.
How to Get More Information
The best way to get answers to your questions is to ask us. You can give us a call during business hours or Email the Doctor.
How to Get More Information
To make an appointment, call the main office phone number at 703-721-0500 or use the Request an Appointment button below to submit an online request.